11 people reveal what it's like to get married after less than 6 months of dating

parks and rec proposal

There is no "right" time to get engaged — but some people do it quicker than others.

1. They "just knew."

Sometimes, your gut tells you exactly what you need to know.

"We met in July and were engaged by November. I don't know how to explain it, honestly. We just knew? We had a lot in common and could talk for ages. We were inseparable, and I would miss him on long shifts. He went home for a week and it was like torture, as ridiculously sappy as that sounds. It was like something was missing and it was like a physical ache.

I was 19 and he was 23 and we ended up eloping because our families were not all that supportive. We're celebrating our 12th anniversary this month." - Reddit user aerith_cutestory

2. They just hated being apart.

Being away from your one true love can feel painful.

"Met in September, engaged December. We found that we really disliked being apart. So I moved in at the end of December. My family liked him but some of them disapproved of him not being a member of their religion. I expected as much but was surprised by the amount of support we got from both families.

I was 19 and he was 24. I still feel lucky that both families could see that while we were young we treated each other very well and were happier together than we ever had been before. I'm 24 now and pregnant with our first." - Reddit user

3. They decided to get married after 90 minutes.

When you know, you know.

"Met on a night out when she was out with a friend, I was out with my friends and we randomly got introduced to each other by a mutual friend. We instantly clicked. 90 minutes later we had decided to get married.

Saw each other almost every day after that night. Bought a flat together three months later. Got married the following year. This was back in the mid-90s. Still happily married after over 20 years together with some kids." - Reddit user Cuddlemycat

4. They got engaged three days after a first date.

Not everyone knows that they want to get married right after a first date.

"My parents went on their first date, three days later got engaged, and four days after that were married.

They've been together almost 20 years and couldn't be happier. I guess when you know, you know." - Reddit user Smufus

5. They were engaged after three months — and divorced 10 years later.

Marriages don't necessarily have to last forever to be worthwhile.

"Asked her to marry me within three months, married for almost 10 years, now divorced. No regrets, have a beautiful daughter." - Reddit user Stuzz74

6. Their first date lasted for three days.

When their eyes met, they knew.
20th Century Fox

"We eloped five months after meeting for the first time. Typical online dating story. I initially ignored his message because I thought he looked like an insufferable hipster in his profile picture. After chatting for a few days, we arranged to have lunch together on a Wednesday at a 'Too Cool For Me' restaurant that specialized in biscuit sandwiches. I almost canceled the day of. Little effort was put into my appearance. I wore a t-shirt with a hole in it. I had strong doubts about guys with beards. I was recently divorced. Things didn't look good.

THEN. I did not believe in love at first sight until that afternoon, when his eyes met mine, and I thought, 'Huh. So THAT is the father of my unborn children.' The exact same thing ran through his head. Our lunch date lasted for three days. His friends thought he had been kidnapped. It was insane and improbable and it was the beginning of everything that ever mattered and the end of everything that didn't.

It is six years later, and our son is asleep next to me as I write this." - Reddit user Fenwai

7. They knew they would get married eventually, so they decided to do it ASAP.

Why wait on marriage if you know it's going to happen?
Ruslan Guzov/Shutterstock

"My parents were married after six months of knowing each other (and my mom was not pregnant despite everyone thinking otherwise). Dad said he woke up one day and couldn't imagine his life without her. Mom said they were on their way home from a friend's wedding and realized she didn't question for a second that she would be marrying him eventually, so they decided to just go ahead and do it. Still married, going on 35 years." - Reddit user PurplePolyp

8. They felt like they'd known each other their whole lives.

He bought her engagement ring after the first date.

"Dating for just a few weeks felt like years, like we'd known each other our whole lives. Engaged after eight months, married a year later. When I asked him this same question he said, 'I opened a savings account for your ring the day after our first date.'

Coming up on our fourth anniversary on the 13th and cautiously expecting our first baby after a long year of recurrent losses." - Reddit user nosilla92

9. They knew on the first date.

If you meet the right person, it can make you change your mind about marriage.

"We kinda knew on our first date. We had talked through text quite a bit before we finally met, but there was such a strong connection when we finally talked in person. On our second date, I was pretty sure I would never feel this way about anyone else. About a month later we were talking and realized we were both thinking the same thing, and could not imagine life with anyone else, and started discussing marriage. Several months later we were married. Neither of us take marriage lightly, and previously to our relationship neither of us planned to marry. Sometimes you just know. It's been absolutely wonderful so far and we just keep falling for each other over and over." - Reddit user ThatMetalMama

10. A Tinder match became something more serious.

What could be an awkward first date could also be love at first sight.

"I met her on Tinder and the first night we hung out we spent eight to nine hours just driving around and ended up outside of a 7/11 in a bad part of town just talking about our aspirations, our childhoods, and how it felt weird that it seemed as if we were catching up like two long lost best friends.

After that night we both went back to our houses. We still lived with our parents so I let her stay over a lot and eventually my mom kicked me out for not telling her she had somewhat moved in. (Stupid move on my part). We spent about a month hotel surfing until we got our own apartment together.

Two years later and we have a beautiful daughter at the age of 10 months old. I couldn't picture myself with anybody else. She's my exact opposite so we form a perfect circle." - Reddit user TolkinDermy

11. Reading a book helped prompt a proposal.

If you're always happy when someone calls you, keep them around.

"Got engaged at two weeks, married at 66 days (Viva Las Vegas!) and have been married 11 years.

Wasn't looking to get married..... but I knew after a couple of dates. I LOATHE talking on the phone, but an hour would go by quickly. We have shared values and he makes me laugh.

At the time, I read a book ('The List') about seven qualities that would demonstrate that he was marriage material and would propose within 30 days. He had six out of seven qualities. He saw me reading the book after five or six days together and didn't panic and got a ring." - Reddit user Sleepydwarvezzzzzz

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